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We Are Heelan Youth Athletics

What We Offer

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Who We Are

Heelan Youth Athletics is a 504 Iowa Non Profit Corporation ran by volunteers who are passionate about providing both recreational and competitive athletic opportunities for students who will attend Bishop Heelan Catholic High School.  

Mission Statement

The mission of Heelan Youth Athletics, Inc. is to support, enhance, and supplement the opportunities that exist through Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools by developing excellent student athletes.  Preparing our youth to compete at a high level of sports success will be achieved by providing a program that promotes accelerated instruction, competitive scheduling, goal centered overall pursuit of excellence in athletics and character development while maintaining a proper balance with studies in the classroom.  Heelan Youth Athletics is dedicated to the principle that the pursuit of excellence in athletics and in the classroom will help prepare our future leaders in all areas of life. 

Want to help? 

If you would like to volunteer to coach a team, please email